Theotokos at the Temple November 21

L’entrée de Theotokos au Temple, connu en Occident comme la présentation de Marie au Temple (Theotokos signifie Mère de Dieu) est une fête catholique et orthodoxe (une des Douze Grandes Fêtes). Elle est aujourd’hui célébrée le 21 novembre en Occident comme en Orient.

Theotokos in the Temple, the one who will give birth to Jesus

Originaire de Jérusalem, la fête s’est répandue dans tout l’Orient chrétien puis, du fait de la piété mariale, elle fut répandue en Occident dès le haut Moyen Âge.

The New Testament contains no details about Mary's childhood. The Protevangelium of James (ch. 6-10) fills this silence since the IIe century at least. Mary, who was miraculously born to Joachim and Anne, her parents, when they were in their old age and could no longer hope to have children, was presented by them to the Temple in Jerusalem, according to their promise, while still very young, to to prepare for the role that is expected of him in the redemption of Israel.

The text says that she “danced that day, and did not look back”. And she remained in the Temple, fed “by an angel”, until the age of majority (12 years), age at which she was betrothed to Joseph. She was busy weaving the veil of the Temple. This is perhaps the origin of this tradition, because Jewish sources, young girls were hired specifically to weave the thirteen hangings that were used in the Temple.

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Aujourd’hui, les chrétiens célèbrent l’entrée de Marie au Temple. Le texte dit qu’elle “danced that day, and did not look back”. And she remained in the Temple, fed “by an angel”, until the age of majority (12 years), age at which she was betrothed to Joseph. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #November 21 #marie #theotokos #temple


Theotokos at the Temple
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