Europe: Holiday 101 Guide

In our context, Europe designates the peoples of Roman culture (Rome is treated separately), Celtic, Germanic, Scandinavian, Icelandic and Breton. Slavic peoples have their own section.

June 10, 2024

Cultural areas in Europe

L’histoire de l’Europe est une des parties les mieux documentées, étudiées et connues de l’histoire mondiale et fait référence à l’ensemble des événements liés au continent européen, depuis qu’il a été peuplé par les premiers peuples jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Selon la monographie allemande Minderheitenrechte in Europa coéditée par Pan et Pfeil (2002), il existe 87 peuples distincts, dont 33 constituent la majorité de la population dans au moins un État souverain, tandis que les 54 autres constituent des groupes ethniques minoritaires.

In ancient times, Indo-European peoples practiced cults that had many things in common. The Germanic, Celtic, Slavic, Greek and Latin mythological systems had common features, such as the belief in a fundamental divine "triad", and the division of men into several categories of distinct social rank.

In Europe, ancient religions are subdivided into:

  • foi en les Ases et les Vanes, que l’on appelle aujourd’hui odinisme, selon la mythologie germanique ;
  • faith in Scandinavian deities, according to Scandinavian mythology;
  • Druidism and its late Irish variant, the religion of the Filid, according to Celtic mythology;
  • orphism, according to Thracian and Dacian mythology;
  • faith in Scythian deities, according to the Scythian religion;
  • faith in Slavic deities, according to Slavic mythology;
  • faith in Greek deities, according to Greek mythology;
  • faith in Roman deities, according to Roman mythology;
  • dans l’Empire romain, outre les dieux de l’Olympe, on pratiquait aussi les cultes à mystères et, dans l’antiquité tardive, le christianisme primitif.

One of the common points between religions prior to Christianity is polytheism, sometimes pantheistic, sometimes animist.

Proselytism was not widespread among European peoples, each religion being that of a group of populations equally linked by language, and which had its own deities.

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