Modraniht December 24

Celebrated on December 24th or the eve of the winter solstice, Modraniht is also known as Mutternacht, Modranect, Mother's Night.

Modraniht, the night of the Saxon Mothers

It was a Saxon and Anglo-Saxon festival held on Yule Eve. No details of the original festival have survived although it was mentioned by the 8th century historian Bede.

Sacrifices and feasting were quite likely. It may have been a New Year celebration. Scholars believe that the "mothers" may have been ancestral goddesses, who may have included Valkyries, Norns, and/or disir women.

Social networks

On this day, the Anglo-Saxon peoples celebrated the night of the ancestral mother goddesses. There are no reliable sources describing this festival, scholars believe it was also a new year celebration. #mythology #myth #legend #24December #calendar #modraniht #mutternach


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