Chronos, Kairos and Aion are the three deities of time, events and epic destinies. Here is the multi-religious and multicultural calendar!

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holiday ephemeris calendar

The schedule in brief from D-2 to D+5

  • 13 July 2024, Every day: Shichigatsu good
  • July 19, 2024, : Lucaria
  • July 20, 2024, : Asalha Puja

The complete interactive calendar

Holidays of the month

April 29, 2024
April 30, 2024(1 event)


April 30, 2024

Today, Germanic and Saxon peoples celebrate Walpurgis Night. Saint Walpurga is said to have protected the German peoples from the plague, rabies, whooping cough and witches. This festival dates back to pre-Christian times and is said to be close to the Celtic festival Beltaine. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #April 30 #walpurgis

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May 1, 2024(6 events)

Barrin ar mae

May 1, 2024

Today, the Bretons are laying the Barrin ar mae (May branch). If today the May branch is considered more of a good luck charm, it was once hung in strategic places on the farm, such as the henhouse, the oven, the stable, in order to ward off bad luck. The entrances to the fields also had their may, in order to ensure a good harvest and to repel crop disease. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #May 1 #BarrinArMae #Brittany


May 1, 2024

On this day, the Celts celebrated Beltaine. It marks the return of the clear season or luminous season. The main ritual of Beltaine consists of fires lit by druids where livestock passed so that they would be protected from epidemics for the coming year. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #1May #beltaine

Bona Dea

May 1, 2024

On this day, the Romans celebrated Bona Dea. She was a goddess in ancient Roman religion. She was associated with the chastity and fertility of Roman women, healing and protection of the state and people of Rome. Its rites allowed women to use strong wine and blood sacrifice, things otherwise forbidden to them by Roman tradition. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #romeantique #rome #bonadea #1May #3December

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Calan Mai

May 1, 2024

Today, the Welsh celebrate Calan Mai, Calan Haf or Cyntefin. It marks the start of summer, the inhabitants celebrate around bonfires, maypoles and songs. Some of its traditions parallel the Gaelic May Day festival Beltaine and other May Day traditions in Europe. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #1May #CalanMay #Cynteend #Wales


May 1, 2024

Today, Mayades take place in the Landes de Gascognes. A may (pine pole which is flowered/decorated, probably from the Beltane Celtic tradition) is planted on the night of April 30. On May Day, all kinds of celebrations take place, the traditions of which vary from one city to another. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #1May #Gascognes #Mayade #France

May lily of the valley

May 1, 2024

Today, the French treat themselves to May lily of the valley. The symbolism of the return of spring linked to this flower has its roots in Celtic traditions as well as Roman ceremonies performed in honor of Flora, goddess of flowers. The tradition of lily of the valley in May was formalized in 1561 by Charles IX who requested that the ladies of the court receive a lucky sprig every May 1st. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #May 1 #Muguet #CharlesIX

May 2, 2024
May 3, 2024
May 4, 2024
May 5, 2024
May 6, 2024
May 7, 2024
May 8, 2024(2 events)

Johannine festivals of Orléans

May 8, 2024

Today, in Orléans (France), the Johannine Festivals take place in honor of the deliverance, on May 8, 1429, by Joan of Arc of the city then besieged by the English. It is the occasion for a grand parade and a mass in the presence of high-ranking personalities. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #8May #JeanneDArc #Orléans

Day of the Irises

May 8, 2024

Today, the people of Benelux celebrate Iris Day. An emblematic flower of Dutch know-how, whether in floral manipulation, perfume and even in the arts as evidenced by the love of this flower by great masters like Vincent Van Gogh, this day is an opportunity to pay tribute to the emblematic flower of the wealth and power of the Orange Republic. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #8May #Netherlands #Belgium #Iris

May 9, 2024(2 events)

Gudbrandsdal Gudrod

May 9, 2024

Today, the Asatrus commemorate Gudbrandsdal Gudrod, known as the martyr. He was one of the five Novegian kings who opposed the forced Christianization by Saint Olaf in 1018. Warned of their plan, he took them prisoner, Olaf took possession of their kingdoms and founded the Kingdom of Norway. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #9May #Norway #SaintOlaf #Gudrod


May 9, 2024

On this day, the Romans celebrated Lemuria. They paid homage to the dead and exorcised malevolent ghosts from their homes. The rites took place during the night, around midnight. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #May 9 #May 11 #May 13 #rome #lemuria

May 10, 2024
May 11, 2024(1 event)

Ice Saints

May 11, 2024

Today and for 3 days, Europeans celebrate the Ice Saints. These saints were invoked by farmers and gardeners to anticipate the effect of a drop in temperature on crops, which could be observed during this period and which caused frost (phenomenon of the red moon). Once this period had passed, frost was no longer to be feared. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #May 11 #May 12 #May 13 #SaintMamer #SaintPancrace #SaintServais

May 12, 2024
May 13, 2024
May 14, 2024
May 15, 2024(2 events)

Birthday of Siddhartha Gautama

May 15, 2024

Today, Buddhists in East and South Asia celebrate Buddha's birthday. The exact date of Buddha's birthday is based on Asian lunisolar calendars and is mainly celebrated during the Baisakh month of the Buddhist calendar and the Hindu Bikram Sambat calendar. According to Buddhist tradition, Gautama Buddha was born c. 563–483 BCE in Lumbini, Nepal. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #Buddha #Vesak #Gautama #Nepal


May 15, 2024

On this day, the Romans celebrated the Mercuralia. Mercury is the god of merchants and commerce. Merchants sprinkled their heads, their ships, their goods and their businesses with water taken from the well of Porta Capena. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #rome #May 15 #mercuralia

May 16, 2024
May 17, 2024
May 18, 2024
May 19, 2024
May 20, 2024
May 21, 2024(2 events)


May 21, 2024

On this day, the Romans celebrate an Agonium. Rites of early Rome, there are few sources describing the customs. Four Agonalia take place during a year. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #9January #21May #17March #11December #agonalia #rome

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May 21, 2024

On this day, the Romans celebrated Vejovis, a god of Etruscan origin. A goat was sacrificed in his Capitol temple to prevent epidemics. There are few sources of early Roman ritual. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #May 21 #Rome #Vejovis #Capitole

May 22, 2024
May 23, 2024(3 events)

Wallachian Day

May 23, 2024

Today, Vlach Day takes place in Romania. This people, probably of Thracian or Illyrian origin, has been Romanized. This is why they speak a Romance language unlike all neighboring peoples. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #May 23 1TP5Vlach #romania


May 23, 2024

On this day, the Romans celebrate the Tubilustium. The month of March marked the beginning of the war season. The lustration ceremony accompanied by the sacred trumpets and the Saliens prepared the men and the city for future military campaigns. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 23 #May 23 #rome #tubilustrium

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May 23, 2024

Today, Buddhists around the world celebrate Vesak. First comes the birth of Siddhartha Gautama in Lumbini, Nepal which took place under the arbor of Sat trees where Queen Mahamaya gave birth to him. The second event was the supreme achievement of Siddhartha Gautam as Buddha, the Enlightened One. The third event was the Parinibbana of Lord Buddha over 2,500 years ago in Kusinagar. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #Vesak #Buddism #SiddharthaGautama #Gautama #Buddha

May 24, 2024
May 25, 2024
May 26, 2024
May 27, 2024
May 28, 2024
May 29, 2024
May 30, 2024
May 31, 2024
June 1, 2024
June 2, 2024

Multicultural and multi-religious almanac

An almanac is a calendar showing the main dates of the calendar, the religious holidays, bearing ephemerides such as the phases of the moon or the duration of the days (lunar and solar calendars).

A calendar is a system for marking dates according to time. Such a system was invented by men to divide and organize time over long periods. The observation of the periodic phenomena of the environment in which they lived — such as the daily movement of the shadow, the return of the seasons or the lunar cycle — served as the first references for organizing the agricultural, social and religious life of societies.

The calendar used today in most of the world is the Gregorian calendar. In everyday language, an ephemeris designates what happens daily; the ephemeris of the day is the list of the significant events of this day.