Chronos, Kairos and Aion are the three deities of time, events and epic destinies. Here is the multi-religious and multicultural calendar!

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holiday ephemeris calendar

The schedule in brief from D-2 to D+5

The complete interactive calendar

Week of 2024-07-22

July 22, 2024(1 event)

Mary Magdalene

July 22, 2024

Today, Christians celebrate Mary Magdalene. The Fathers of the Church emphasize his role as the first witness to the Resurrection. She is therefore designated as the apostle of the apostles by Hippolytus of Rome. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #July 22 #mariemadeleine

July 23, 2024
July 24, 2024(1 event)

Tenjin Matsuri

July 24, 2024

Today, in Osaka, Japan, Tenjin matsuri takes place. It'is a festival under the protection of the Tenmangu Shrine dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane, the god of studies and the arts, who was a scholar and politician of the Heian period in Japan. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #July 24 #osaka #japan #tejinmatsuri

July 25, 2024(1 event)

Saint James the Greater

July 25, 2024

Today, Catholics celebrate Saint James of Zebedee, says the Major. According to The Golden Legend of Jacques de Voragine, Jacques left with a few disciples for Spain. With Peter and his brother Andrew, James is therefore one of the very first disciples of Jesus. Synoptic tradition makes him one of the three principal apostles. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #July 25 #SaintJacques

July 26, 2024
July 27, 2024(1 event)

Clement of Ohrid

July 27, 2024

Today, Catholics celebrate Clement of Ohrid. He was the most illustrious disciple of Cyril and Methodius and he is often associated with the creation, and especially the propagation, of the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabets. He is considered the first bishop of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #July 27 #clementdohrid

July 28, 2024(2 events)

Baptism of the Rus

July 28, 2024

Today, the Orthodox commemorate the Baptism of the Rus. It refers to the landmark event of the mass baptism of the people of kyiv in 988, when Grand Prince Vladimir accepted Orthodox Christianity as the religion of his lands. The event, as recorded in the Primary Chronicles, has been considered the turning point in the introduction of Christianity among the Eastern Slavs. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #July 28 #Orthodoxy #Kiev


July 28, 2024

Today, the people of the Faroe Islands celebrate Ólavsøka. The literal meaning is "Olaf's Vigil", originating from the death of Saint Olaf at the Battle of Stiklestad in 1030. Vøka comes from the Old Norse Vaka, which was a religious celebration which always lasted two days. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #Olaf #Faroe #July 28

Multicultural and multi-religious almanac

An almanac is a calendar showing the main dates of the calendar, the religious holidays, bearing ephemerides such as the phases of the moon or the duration of the days (lunar and solar calendars).

A calendar is a system for marking dates according to time. Such a system was invented by men to divide and organize time over long periods. The observation of the periodic phenomena of the environment in which they lived — such as the daily movement of the shadow, the return of the seasons or the lunar cycle — served as the first references for organizing the agricultural, social and religious life of societies.

The calendar used today in most of the world is the Gregorian calendar. In everyday language, an ephemeris designates what happens daily; the ephemeris of the day is the list of the significant events of this day.