ToggleIn short
The Ritual of the Mysteries of Osiris in the month of Khoiak is a compilation of seven books which sets out the main ritual operations carried out during the days of Khoiak in commemoration of the martyrdom of Osiris, killed and dismembered by Seth. The largest part of the ceremonies took place within the temples, hidden from profane eyes (hence the name mysteries). Only the walls of the six Osirian chapels of the temple of Dendera preserve the memory of the majority of these magico-religious operations.
Ritual of the mysteries of Osiris in the month of Khoiak
THE Book First lists thirteen cities where the Mysteries were held. He explains for each locality the methods of making two sacred figurines made of barley and sand; one represents the god Osiris in full, the Khentymentiou (Or Khenti Amentit), and the other, partially, in the form of a Divine Flap, the god Osiris having been dismembered by Seth. The beginning was not engraved, thus missing the title and three cities, probably Bousiris, Abydos and Memphis, the complete text must mention a total of sixteen cities.
THE Book II describes the schist garden tank where the figurines of the Khentymentiou and Divine Flap each made from two gold molds containing wet sand in which barley grains germinated from 12 Khoiak. The text is entitled Learn the mysteries of the work of the Khentymentiou garden-vat in the House of Chentayt and briefly explains how these figurines are made in sixteen cities.
THE Book III is entirely devoted to how to make the sacred figurine ofOsiris-Sokar from a paste composed of sand, dates, aromatics and precious minerals. The paste is worked from the twelfth, placed in a mold between the sixteenth and nineteenth Khoiak, dried in the sun until the twenty-fourth and then buried within the temple from the thirtieth for a period of one year before its final burial in a special necropolis. Its title is Know the mystery of the Great Work made with the mold of Sokar, in work that is unknown, in the hidden Place and the nomes where the work takes place.
THE Book IV is a short text which bears the title of List of the companion gods of the House of Chentayt without omission, each designated by name. This is a list, now incomplete, of divinities supposed to participate in the rituals, the priests being only their substitutes. Among them is the goddess Chentayt, whose name means "the weeping one, the widow", which indicates that she is one of the forms of the goddess Isis, the unfortunate wife of Osiris. Among the other gods are the four children of Horus, Thoth, Horus and Khnum..
THE Book V is the longest of the seven treatises and is divided into forty-eight paragraphs. It bears the title of Know all things of the House of Chentayt. Its contents repeat the details of those of the first three books by speaking of the elaboration of the three sacred figurines. Some new information concerns the fourteen amulets inserted between the shrouds of the figurines or the description of the chests and linens to be used for their burial. There is also mention of a sacred field where the barley and flax used in the ceremonies grow and of a procession of thirty-four small boats on the sacred lake of the temple on the night of the 22nd of the month..
THE Book VI is the clearest and most methodical treatise in the entire corpus. It bears the title of Know the secret of the Hidden Place to make the party work Dena with what is unknown, and which is accomplished in the house of Chentayt (follows a list of sixteen holy cities). This text describes all the operations and preparations of the material used to make the three divine figurines from the twelfth to their burial on the thirtieth of the month of Khoiak. It is divided into two parts, the first is devoted to the figurines of the Khentymentiou and Divine Flap while the second focuses on that of Sokar.
THE Book VII is titled To know the mystery that is not seen, that is not heard of and that the father transmits to his son. The text is confused, disordered and very obscure due to its incoherence. A fragmentary part of the previous book appears there concerning the three sacred figurines. A few points of detail only mentioned previously are however here a little better explained..
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On this day, in ancient Egypt, began the rituals of the mysteries of Osiris in the month of Khoiak. The seven books contain the rites and ceremonies of the temples organized in commemoration of the martyrdom of Osiris, killed and dismembered by Seth. The largest part of the ceremonies took place within the temples, sheltered from profane eyes. #calendar #December 27 #mythology #myth #legend #ancient Egypt #khoiak #osiris #isis