In short

We Tripantu is the Mapuche celebration of the return of the sun and is sometimes called the Mapuche New Year. It takes place on the June solstice (the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere), the shortest day of the year in the indigenous home of the Mapuche people.

We Tripantu

We Tripantu, the Mapuche New Year

It is the Mapuche equivalent of Inti Raymi. The Pachamama (Mother Earth), Nuke Mapu (uke' Mapu) begins to flower fertilized by the Soil, from the Andean heights to the southern tip. Antü (Mapuche), Inti (Aymara) or Rapa (rapanui) Sol, the sun begins to return to earth, after the longest night of the year; It's the winter solstice. Everything is starting to bloom again.

Wiñoy Tripantu is celebrated with a ceremony on the shortest day of the year, during which different families or even different communities can come together to celebrate together. All members of the community have a participatory role in the ceremony, which may involve singing, dancing, a communal meal and offerings to the land.

Typically, a wood fire is lit, which traditionally remains lit until sunrise the next day. Family or community elders tell stories with philosophical, cultural and political connotations, as a method of transmitting Mapuche culture and history from one generation to the next. The ceremony ends with a shared breakfast.

Although We Tripantu has been celebrated in Wallmapu (now southern Argentina and Chile) for centuries, it has seen a particular revival since the late 20th century, associated with a broader renaissance of cultural practices and traditions. Mapuche territorial claims.

Social networks

Today, Mapuche Amerindians celebrate We Tripantu. The June solstice is the shortest day in the southern hemisphere. The Mapuche people start the new year on this day. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #Mapuche #WeTripantu #21June


We Tripantu