The Ludi Apollinares were solemn games (ludi) held annually by the ancient Romans in honor of the god Apollo. Tradition has it that at the first celebration of this, they were suddenly invaded by the enemy, and forced to take up arms. A cloud of darts and arrows fell upon their enemies, and the Romans soon returned victorious to their sports.

Ludi Apollinares

Ludi Apollinares in honor of Apollo

The games were established after inspecting a collection of prophecies, the Carmina Marciana. One of the many seers (vates) responsible for these predictions was Marcius. The games were organized according to the oracles of Marcius, who predicted the disaster of Cannae (the defeat of the Romans against Hannibal).

Prophecies dictated that the Romans should use ritual Greek to honor Diana and Latona, and that they should contribute to the costs of the games, according to their means. THE Books Sibyllins were also consulted and confirmed this prophecy. This happened at the height of the Second Punic War, when Hannibal was invading northern Italy. As at other times, games were used to allay public fears and distract them from Hannibal's invasion.

The games took place in the Circus Maximus, with equestrian games as well as stage performances, including praetextae, a category of Roman drama. Ennius (239-169 BC) had Thyestes perform as part of this festival in 169 BC. The Ludi Apollinares received less funding from the Roman government than other games/festivals such as the Ludi Romani or Ludi Plebeii, as they were shorter and only had one day of racing.

Social networks

On this day and for a week, the Romans celebrated the Apollinarian games in honor of Apollo. These games were established during the Second Punic War, following the true prophecies of the Sibylline books Carmina Marciana. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar July #6 #Apollo


Ludi Apollinares