ToggleIn short
Rōhatsu (or Rohatsu, or Bodhi day) is the term used in Zen Buddhism to designate the Buddhist celebration of the day when the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama known as Shakyamuni ("sage of the Śākyas"), attained enlightenment (bodhi in Sanskrit and Pali). According to tradition, the historical Buddha ended years of extreme ascetic practices and decided to sit in meditation under a pipal tree until he discovered the origin of suffering and the means to free oneself from it..
Rōhatsu or Rohatsu or Bodhi day
The account of this event varies according to traditions. According to some, Siddhartha made a great vow to Nirvana and the Earth to find the origin of suffering (the ultimate truth) or die trying. According to other traditions, while meditating, he was harassed and tempted by the god Māra (meaning death in Sanskrit), a spirit of illusions who sent his daughters to seduce him. According to still other traditions, Shakyamuni entered into deeper and deeper states of consciousness during his meditation, and came face to face with the true nature of existence.
In the Pali canon, several discourses are said to be authored by the Buddha himself. The Buddha described in the great discourse to Saccaka (Majjhima Nikaya 36) his awakening in three stages:
- During his first night of waking, the Buddha became aware of all his previous lives in the cycle of rebirth, realizing that he had been born again and again many times before.
- During his second vigil, the Buddha discovered the law of karma and the importance of living the Eightfold Path.
- During his third vigil, the Buddha discovered the Four Noble Truths and finally attained Nirvana.
All traditions agree that when the morning star rose in the sky in the early morning After the third watch of the night, Siddhartha had finally found the answers he was looking for, became enlightened and experienced Nirvana. Thus, Siddhartha became a Buddha or an awakened one.
Social networks
Today, Buddhists (Japanese (mostly) celebrate Rōhatsu or Bodhi day. According to tradition, the historical Buddha's awakening ended years of extreme ascetic practices and decided to sit in meditation under a pipal tree until he discovered the origin of suffering and the means to free himself from it. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #8December #buddha #bodhiday #rohatsu