Litha is a pagan (and Wicca) holiday. It is the summer solstice, the midsummer festival, opposite of Yule, it is also the most important day of the year for the ancient solar cults.


Litha and the power of magic

The nature god is at the height of his strength; he reigns as lord of the forest on a throne of green wood. The earth is swimming in fertility, this day is designated because the sun is at its zenith, but it recalls its future decline. The oak god fights the holly god who will win and reign until Yule.

The days are getting shorter. The veil between the two worlds is as thin as at Samhain, so one can meet representatives of the “little people” and the spirits of the dead can more easily cross the border. There legend says that if you accidentally step on St. John's wort on Litha evening, you can end up in fairyland.

On the famous God Cernunos, this is the period when he is most powerful. And it's the longest day of the year. This period would be favorable for magic such as love, healing, protection. In the Wiccan holiday calendar there are twenty-one celebrations, including Litha. These are the four major sabbaths (Samhain, Imbolc, Beltaine and Lugnasadh), the four minor sabbaths at the solstices and equinoxes (Yule or winter solstice, Ostara or spring equinox, Litha or summer solstice, Mabon or equinox of 'autumn). Traditionally, mages harvest magical herbs on this day which is also the longest of the year.

Social networks

On this day, the Celtsgermans and Saxons celebrated Litha, the summer solstice. This period would be conducive to magic such as love, healing, protection. It was replaced by the Christian feast of Saint John which keeps the rites. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #litha #saintjean #21June

