ToggleIn short
Váli blót is an ancient ritual relating to the triumphant return of sunlight during the dark days of winter. Today is the traditional family holiday. A time for the customary exchange of cards and gifts with loved ones.
It is also a time for renewal of marriage vows and an occasion for weddings. It's also time to plant seeds indoors, to then be transplanted into the summer garden.
Váli blót, for family and love
This day was sacred to the god Váli and in honor of family and friendship. The god Váli is known as the defender of family unity, light and goodness. Vali is the son of the god Odin and the giantess Rindr, as well as the brother of Baldr, Þorr, Hodr, etc.
Vali is represented as an archer with arrows of light. Some anthropologists have hypothesized that the god Vali is the northern European version of Eros (myths greeks) and Cupid (Roman myths). But Vali represents love in a broader sense, it also represents familial and friendly types of love, such as love between friends, siblings, spouses, parents and children, cousins, etc.
When the beloved god Balder was murdered by Hodur, Odin became determined that justice would be served. With his third wife Rind, he produced a son named Vali. Vali was soon called "The Avenger". He constantly carried both a small quiver full of arrows and a look of unfulfilled vengeance.
One day, shortly after his birth, Vali came across Hodur and immediately killed the blind deity. By doing this, even though Loki was the real murderer, Balder's death was avenged. The assassination of blind Hodur by Vali is therefore emblematic of “the bursting of a new light after the winter darkness”.
Vali represents, with Vidar, the immortal forces of nature. In essences, Vali becomes its eternal spirit, the eternal light of life, the inner light and power that nourishes everything in nature itself.
Vali is known as the symbol of spring and is usually depicted wearing a bow. From this bow he was able to draw his magnificent nurturing power over Midgard. Vali's arrows are actually beams of light that were known to awaken the tender feelings of lovers. Valentine's Day has its origins from the god Vali. The Valentine's Day heart looks nothing like the human heart, and is in fact the symbol of female sexuality. The arrow piercing the heart depicts the male role penetrating into regeneration.
Vali is known to be one of the few gods to survive Ragnarok and is one of the twelve deities occupying seats in the Great Hall of Gladsheim.
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