ToggleIn short
Guru Ravidass Jayanti is the birthday of Guru Ravidas, celebrated on Magh Purnima, the full moon day of the month of Magh. It is the annual focal point of the Ravidassia religion (a Sikh sect). He is known as a spiritual man and also as a social reformer because of his work against the Indian caste system. He was a contemporary of Saint Kabir (a great Sikh poet).
Guru Ravidass Jayanti, birthday of Ravidassia
Ravidassias believe Ravidas to be their Guru (saint) whereas Sikhs have traditionally considered him as one of the many bhagats (holy person). Moreover, Ravidassias accept the living sants of Ravidass Deras as Guru.
A new Ravidassia religion was launched following an assassination of their visiting living guru Sant Niranjan Dass and his deputy Ramanand Dass in 2009 in Vienna by Sikh militants. Ramanand Dass died from the attack, Niranjan Dass survived his injuries, while more than a dozen people present at the temple were also injured. This triggered a decisive break of the Ravidassia group with the orthodox Sikh structure.
Before their break with Sikhism, the Dera Bhallan worshiped and recited the Guru Granth Sahib of Sikhism in Dera Bhallan. However, following their separation from traditional Sikhism, the Dera Bhallan compiled their own book sacred based exclusively on the teachings of Ravidas, the Amritbani Guru Ravidass Ji, and these Dera Bhallan Ravidassia temples now use this book in place of the Guru Granth Sahib.
Ravidas Ji was born in Seer Goverdhanpur village. According to one legend, Ravidas Ji was a Brahmin in previous birth. When he was dying, he was attracted to a Chamar caste woman, and he wished that this beautiful woman was his mother. After his death, he was reborn as Ravidas Ji from the womb of this woman. He was a contemporary of Kabir Ji and has a number of recorded interactions with Kabir Ji on spirituality.
The birth of Guru Ravidas is celebrated as Ravidas Jayanti. Guru Ravidas is revered because of his works against caste and spirituality. On this day, his disciples bathe in the sacred rivers. Then, they draw inspiration from their Guru Ravidas Ji by remembering the great events and miracles related to his life. His devotees visit his birthplace and celebrate his birthday on Ravidas Jayanti.
Social networks
Today, Ravidassians (a Sikh branch) celebrate the birthday of Guru Ravidas. In addition to the traditional Indian purifying bath, devotees recite the exploits and miracles related to his life. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #ravidass #ravidas