The Tuluni festival holds great significance for the Sumi Nagas of Nagaland. The Sumi people reside in northeastern leaning regions of India. Tuluni is one of the many popular festivals of Nagaland and is of superior adherence to the Sumi people.


Tuluni, festival to give joy and for weddings

People generally celebrate this festival with pompous enthusiasm. The tribes of Nagaland put in great effort and pride in celebrating their harvests and seasonal festivals. A festival is always in order before and after each harvest season.

Tuluni is a harvest festival of the Sumi tribe. People who work effortlessly in farms throughout the year relax during this festival and celebrate with delight. It is Sumi culture to organize the engagement of young couples during the festival. The rest of the festival is celebrated with the observance and performance of various age-old rituals and ceremonies. Various things are prepared like rice wine and beer. The animals are slaughtered for meat which is then used in feasts and celebrations.

People allow themselves to drink as they please. The cups are made from plantation leaves to serve home-prepared rice beer. Gifts and ornate tokens are exchanged and appreciation is expressed. The festival celebrates people's joy for a very fruitful season. Prayers are initiated and the gods are presented with beer prepared from rice. Food is also given as an offering on the leaves.

The festival is celebrated after the sowing season ends and people release their joy during the productive season. It’s a time when people share and celebrate. People also help the poor with gifts and food. The Tuluni festival observes the engagement of young couples. The arrangement of wedding ties during this festival is considered ideal and is believed to bring good luck.

People express their joy by dancing and singing. Young people participate in sports and cultural dances. Folk songs are sung. Indigenous sports are organized. The necessary rituals are performed. Festivities are held and prayers are said. Tuluni festival is another tourist attraction in Nagaland.

The festival is celebrated on seven consecutive holidays. It is celebrated every year by different clans of the Sumi tribe in Nagaland. The festival begins on July 8 after satisfactory sowing of crops in the fields.

Social networks

Today and for a week, the Sumi people of Nagaland celebrate Tuluni. The word Tuluni comes from a special type of drink known as rice beer which was given in a glass made from bamboo or three plantain leaves. Prayers are offered to the God of Productivity Litsaba for the safeguarding of crops. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #8July #tuluni #sumi #litsaba

