In short

Wangala est aussi appelée la fête des « Cent tambours », une fête des récoltes célébrée par la tribu Garo, qui vit dans le Meghalaya, le Nagaland et l’Assam en Inde et dans le Grand Mymensingh au Bangladesh. Lors de cette fête post-récolte, ils remercient Misi Saljong, le dieu du soleil, d’avoir béni le peuple avec une riche récolte. Wangala est célébrée dans les mois de septembre à décembre, avec différents villages fixant des dates différentes pour l’occasion.


Wangala, the festival of a hundred drums

Wangala is traditionally celebrated for two to three days – or up to a week – by two or three collaborating villages; although recently it has been celebrated for a day in metropolitan areas as an attempt to retain the ancient heritage of the Garo tribe and expose the younger generation to its roots.

The true traditional styles of celebrating Wangala can be found in remote 'Songsarek' (animist) villages such as Sadolpara in the West Garo Hills district of Meghalaya, where people who worship the old gods still persist in their way of life; while rejecting the

Une variante beaucoup plus médiatisée et commercialisée de Wangala peut être observée dans le festival des 100 tambours qui s’est tenu à Asanang à West Garo Hills, Meghalaya, où des artistes (qui peuvent ou non être chrétiens et non Songsarek) sont invités de partout dans Garo Hills, et même des endroits éloignés tels que Karbi Anglong, Tripura et le Bangladesh qui ont des poches importantes d’habitants de Garo. Ce méga événement se déroule pendant trois jours et accueille divers favoris des fans tels que le sport, la nourriture, l’art et la culture.

Tura, the de facto cultural, financial and political heart of the Garos, is mainly represented by the students of the Christian Girls' Higher Secondary School, Tura (which teaches dance to its students as an essential part of the curriculum) at all 100 Drums Festival.

Rugala (lit. Pouring rice beer) and Cha·chat So·a (lit. Burning incense) are the rituals performed on the first day by the priest, known as "Kamal". These rituals are performed inside the house of the Nokma (chief, that is to say the husband of the woman who holds power over an a'king) of the village.

Dama Gogata, the dance with assorted drums, flutes and brass instruments by men and women dressed in colorful dresses and proud headdresses – an image that is synonymous with Wangala visuals – is performed on the last day of the celebration of a day.

During Wangala, young and old dress in their colorful clothes (Dakmanda, Daksari or Gando) and their feathered headgear (do'me) and dance to music played on long shaped drums. oval (Dama).

Katta Doka (speaking in traditional tribal singing/rap style), Ajia, Dani Doka (describing Wangala while singing), Chambil Mesaa or Pomelo dance are performed during these days.

Social networks

Aujourd’hui, la tribu Garo du Nagaland fête Wangala. Cette fête post-récolte en l’honneur du dieu du soleil Misi Salijong permet de bénir le peuple avec une récolte abondante. #mythologie #mythe #légende #calendrier #8novembre #nagaland #garo #wangala

