ToggleIn short
A Hadaka Matsuri (裸祭り, "Naked Festival") is a type of festival Japanese, or matsuri, in which participants wear minimal clothing; usually just a fundoshi loincloth, sometimes with a short happi coat, and rarely completely naked. One of the largest and oldest festivals is the Owari Ōkunitama Hadaka Matsuri held in Inazawa, where the festival originated over 1,300 years ago.
Hadaka Matsuri, an almost nudist festival
Every year, men participate in this festival in the hope of having good luck for the whole year. The most famous part of the festival is when the "shin-otoko" (神男) enters the scene and must find a way back to the shrine, called "naoiden".
Participating men must try to touch the "shin-otoko" to transfer their bad luck to the "shin-otoko". During the nighttime ceremony, all the bad luck is transferred into a giant charcoal-colored mochi. The black mochi is made with rice mixed with the ashes of last year's burned Omamori. The mochi is then buried in a secret location in the nearby forest.
The participating men wear only a fundoshi and a tabi.
Social networks
Today, the Japanese celebrate a Hadaka Matsuri of Owari Okunitama. This festival of clouds aims to relieve bad luck for the year to come. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #Japan #hadakamatsuri