Rodnoverism, also called rodism (pодянство) or neopaganism Slavic celebrates the goddess Mokosh on November 10.


Day of Mokosh

Mokoch, or Mokoch was the goddess of mother and nourishing earth in the mythology Slavic.

Prince Vladimir had erected a statue to him in kyiv along with those of other gods, before his conversion to Christianity.. She is the only generally recognized Slavic female deity.

She is often represented with a large head and long arms: this comes from an assimilation with a legendary female creature from northern Russia, called mokocha, any direct relationship between this creature and Mokoch remaining however hypothetical.

It is associated with arable and fertile land, protective of divination and magic, as well as spinning and weaving trades. She helps women during childbirth. It was considered that she was the wife of Svarog, thus forming a Heaven/Earth couple, or even of Perun. She was particularly honored by the Slavs, to the point that simple spitting on the ground was considered a crime.

Social networks

Today, Rodnoverians (Russian paganism) celebrate the day of the mother and nourishing earth goddess Mokosh. It is associated with arable and fertile land, protective of divination and magic, as well as spinning and weaving trades. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #November 10 #slave #mokosh

