Holidays of the month

monday tuesday wednesday Thursday friday saturday sunday
May 27, 2024(1 event)

Peru Day

May 27, 2024

Today, Peruvians celebrate their mother tongue. Before the conquest of America in the territory of Tahuantinsuyo the official language was Quechua; but there were also local languages like Aymara in the south of the country, Uro around Lake Titicaca, Culle and Muchick in the northern region of Peru. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #May 27 #Peru #Quechua #Aymara #Uro #Culle #Muchick

May 28, 2024
May 29, 2024(1 event)

Ascension of Baháʼu'lláh

May 29, 2024

Today the Baha'is celebrate the Ascension of Baháʼu'lláh, their Prophet. In 1863, in Iraq, he first announced a revelation from God and spent the rest of his life in prison in the Ottoman Empire. His teachings revolved around the principles of religious unity and renewal, ranging from moral and spiritual progress to global governance. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #May 29 #Bahai #Bahaullah

May 30, 2024(2 events)

Celebrates God

May 30, 2024

Today, Christians celebrate Corpus Christi or Corpus Christi. It is an essentially Catholic religious holiday designated on the Thursday following Trinity, that is to say sixty days after Easter, or the Sunday after in certain countries such as France. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #Christianity #FeastGod #CorpusChristi

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May 30, 2024

Today the Kadazan-Dusuns of Malaysia celebrate Kaamatan. The Harvest Festival falls under what is known as Momolianism. There is a dance show called Sumazau, a singing contest called Sugandoi, a bodybuilding contest, and other arts and crafts shows. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #May 30 #Kaamatan #Maya

May 31, 2024(1 event)

Visitation of the Virgin Mary

May 31, 2024

Today, Christians celebrate the visitation of the Virgin Mary. The feast of the Visitation commemorates an episode from the Gospel according to Luke: the visit that Mary, pregnant with Christ, pays to her cousin Elizabeth, pregnant with John the Baptist. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #Virgin Mary #May 31

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June 1, 2024(2 events)

Gawai Dayak

June 1, 2024

Today, the Dayak people of Malaysia and Indonesia celebrate Gawai Dayak. Many religious, family and community rites take place over two days. #mythology #myth #legend #June 1 #dayak

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June 1, 2024

On this day, the Greeks celebrated Noumenia, the New Moon marking a new month. The Noumenia is the second day of a three-day family festival held every lunar month – the Deipnon of Hekate, then the Noumenia, followed by the Agathos Daimon. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #noumenia

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June 2, 2024(1 event)

Agathos Daimon

June 2, 2024

On this day, the Greeks celebrated Agathos Daimon. It represents a benevolent spirit or deity associated with individual fortune and well-being. Often depicted as a serpent or a young man, the Agathos Daimon was believed to bring luck, protection and guidance to individuals in their daily lives. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #2June #AgathosDaimon

June 3, 2024(2 events)


June 3, 2024

On this day, the Athenians celebrated Arrhephoria. Two young women were selected to take care of the sacred Olive Tree and make Athena's new dress. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #athena #arrhephoria #3June

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June 3, 2024

celebrated Bellona. Her Bellonarii used to wound their arms or legs as a blood sacrifice for her. It included martial processions, gladiatorial contests, and rituals invoking the god's favor in battle. The festival was intended to invoke his power and protection for Rome's military efforts. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #Rome #Bellona #3June

June 4, 2024
June 5, 2024
June 6, 2024
June 7, 2024(2 events)

Ludi Piscatorii

June 7, 2024

On this day, Roman fishermen celebrated Ludi Piscatorii. Fish were prepared and sacrificed to Vulcan or the Tiber. The union of fire and water was a symbol of birth. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #7June #rome #vulcan #ludipiscatorii

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June 7, 2024

On this day and for a week, the Romans celebrated Vestalia in honor of the goddess of the hearth. The temple of Vesta in which this ceremony took place was so secret that little is known about the progress of this festival. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #rome #vestalia

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June 8, 2024(4 events)


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June 8, 2024

Today, the Asatrus celebrate Lindisfarne Day. On June 8, 793, the monastery of Lindisfarne was pillaged by a Viking raid. This day marks the golden age of the Vikings, known mainly for raids in Europe, but especially for fine explorers and traders from the lands of northern Europe. Vikings is not a people but only a name. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #8June #Vikings #Asatru #Lindisfarne

Primoz Trubar

June 8, 2024

Today, Slovenians commemorate the birth of Primož Trubar. He reformed Slovenia and contributed to the rise of Slovenian culture in the Holy Germanic Empire. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #8June #primoztrubar #Slovenia

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00:00 01:00
June 8, 2024

Today, and since the 5th century CE, French towns have chosen La Rosière. The tradition consists, originally, of giving a crown of roses (hence the name) to the young girl whose irreproachable conduct, virtue, piety and modesty have marked the village. This was instituted by Saint Médard in 525 in Salency in Oise. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #8June #France #rosière

Saint Medard

00:00 01:00
June 8, 2024

Today, Christians celebrate Saint Médard. Best known for the institution of La Rosière, Saint Médard is the patron saint of imprisoned people, people with mental illness or migraines and neuralgia, farmers and brewers. He is invoked against bad weather, for (or against, as the case may be) rain - hence his nickname "rainy saint". #mythology #myth #legend #saintMedard #France #8June #Rosière

June 9, 2024(2 events)

Saint Columba

June 9, 2024

Today, the Scots celebrate Saint Columba. This Irish emissary introduced Christianity to the north of England, notably on the island of Iona where he created his monastic order. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #9June #SaintColumba

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00:00 01:00
June 9, 2024

Today, the Asatrus celebrate Siegfried (or Sigurd). Legendary Germanic hero, probably inspired by the great Germanic and Merovingian kings, Siegfried is one of the most important characters in Germanic/Norse mythology. He is the hero of Nibelungenlied, the Völsunga saga, and the Poetic Edda. Literature is as imposing as the Arthurian tradition in the Celtic world. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #9June #Asatru #Siegfried #Germany

June 10, 2024(1 event)

Double Five Party

June 10, 2024

Today in China and Malaysia is the Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Double 5 (the 5th of the 5th lunar month). It commemorates the poet Qu Yan who committed suicide by drowning in the Miluo, for his country. Boat races in the shape of dragons take place on this day. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #doublefive #QuYuan

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June 11, 2024(4 events)


June 11, 2024

Today, Jews celebrate Shavuot (Pentecost). They celebrate the start of the wheat harvest season and, in rabbinic tradition, the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. #mythology #myth #legend 1TP5Judaism #Chavuot

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Lendit Fair

00:00 01:00
June 11, 2024

Today, and for two weeks, the Lendit fair takes place in the Saint-Denis plain in France. Becoming the largest fair in Europe since the 9th century CE, with the grandson of Charlemagne, the fair is known for having goods from the known world. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #fair #France #SaintDenis #June 11


00:00 01:00
June 11, 2024

Today, Hawaiians commemorate Kamehameha I. He was the first to conquer and rule the Hawaiian Islands. His grandson, Kamehameha V, erected a statue in his honor and made June 11 a national holiday. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 11 #Kamehameha #Hawaii


June 11, 2024

On this day, the Romans celebrated Matralia in honor of Mater Matuta. Indigenous Latin goddess, her cult continued during the Roman Empire. She is the equivalent of the dawn goddess Aurora. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 11 #matralia #matermatuta #rome

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June 12, 2024(2 events)

Dia dos Namorados

00:00 01:00
June 12, 2024

Today, Brazilians celebrate Dia dos Namorados (Lovers' Day). On the eve of Saint Anthony of Padua, lovers exchange gifts and do romantic activities. Largely replacing Valentine's Day, St. Anthony was known for blessing young married couples. This date was relevant in the Portuguese Empire but was gradually replaced by globalization. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 12 #Brazil #Namorados #Saint Anthony


June 12, 2024

On this day, the Athenians celebrated Skira. The priestess of Athena, the priest of Poseidon and the priest of Helios were performing a ceremony marking the end of the year. The male/female roles were suspended that day. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #Athens #Skira

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June 13, 2024(1 event)

Anthony of Padua

June 13, 2024

Today, Christians celebrate Saint Anthony of Padua. It is notably the subject of chapters 39 and 40 of the legendary stories The Fioretti of Saint Francis of Assisi. Represented as a young, slender man holding the Child Jesus in his arms seated on a Bible, he is one of the most popular saints. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #padua #antoniodipadova #lisbon #13June

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June 14, 2024(2 events)


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June 14, 2024

On this day, the Greeks celebrated Dipolieia/Bouphonia in honor of Zeus Polieus. A strange ritual was taking place. Wheat was placed on the altar in the presence of oxen. The first to feed was then sacrificed with an axe, and the killer was then tried for his crime. After a ritual judgment, the ax was declared guilty and thrown into the sea. #mythology #myth 1TP5Legend #calendar #June 14 #GreeceAncient #Athens #Dipolieia #Zeus


00:00 01:00
June 14, 2024

On this day, the Aztecs began the month of Tecuilhuitontli, the small festival in honor of Xochipilli and the goddess Huixtocihuatl. During the festival, a woman was seen as the ixiptla, or incarnation of Huixtocihuatl. This woman was sacrificed at the end of the festival. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #Tecuilhuitontli #Aztec #June 14

June 15, 2024(4 events)


00:00 01:00
June 15, 2024

Today, the Orthodox celebrate Amos, the third of the 12 minor prophets. According to the Bible, Amos was the oldest contemporary of Hosea and Isaiah and was active c. 760-755 BCE during the reign of kings Jeroboam II of Israel and Uzziah of Judah. The prophet is characterized as speaking out against increased disparity between the very rich and the very poor with themes of justice, God's omnipotence, and divine judgment. The Book of Amos is attributed to him. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 15 #Amos #Bible #OldTestament

Barsha Utsab

June 15, 2024

Today, Bengalis celebrate Barsha Utsab. This cultural festival marks the start of the monsoon season. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 15 #bengladesh #barshautsab

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Arafat Day

June 15, 2024

Today, Muslims celebrate Arafat Day. This holy day is the day when the last verse of the Quran was revealed, thus completing the religion. This is the second day of the pilgrimage to Mecca and the following day is the first day of the major Islamic festival of Eid al-Adha. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #islam #Arafat

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Saint Vitus

June 15, 2024

Today, Christians celebrate Saint Vitus or Saint Guy. His life is a legend, and this varies from region to region in Europe. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 15 #saintvitus

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June 16, 2024(4 events)

Eid al-Adha

June 16, 2024

Today, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice) or Eid el-Kebir (the Great Feast). This feast commemorates the strength of Abraham's faith in his God, symbolized by the episode in which he accepts to sacrifice, on God's order, his son Ishmael before the arrival of the Archangel Gabriel. This day marks the end of the hajj. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #islam #aidaladha #aidelkebir

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Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Sahib

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June 16, 2024

Today, Sikhs commemorate the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Sahib. He is one of the 10 founding Gurus. He was imprisoned, tortured and executed because he refused to convert to Islam in 1606. He was forced to sit on hot plates while hot sand was poured all over his body. This lasted at least five days. On the last day he was taken to the Ravi River and was never seen or heard from again. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 16 #GuruArjanDevSahib #Sikh


June 16, 2024

Today Bengalis celebrate Nobanno or Nabanna. This is an opportunity to honor Bengali culture. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #16June #bengali #bengladesh

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Saint Cyr

00:00 01:00
June 16, 2024

Today, Catholics celebrate Saint Cyr. Martyred at the age of three, he was killed just before his mother, Saint Julitte, around 304. The Roman emperor Diocletian decreed a great persecution against Christians. Julitte, a widow and noblewoman, was a target by the government. She appeared in court with her son, and confirmed her belief. The child was taken from him, and struggling, he was thrown down the steps by the governor, he died with his neck broken. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 16 #saintCyr #Christianity

June 17, 2024(1 event)

Sanno Matsuri

June 17, 2024

Today, the Japanese celebrate the Sannō matsuri. Every two years, the Shinkosai parade animates the Chiyoda district of Tokyo. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June #tokyo #sannomatsuri

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June 18, 2024
June 19, 2024
June 20, 2024(2 events)


June 20, 2024

Today the Yoruba begin the festival of Odun Egungun. Egungun mask dance clothes are worn for ancestor worship. A dancer wears several layers, being able to change costumes during the performance. The costumes have particular meanings, depending on the peoples and villages. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 20 #egungun #yoruba

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June 20, 2024

Today, the Kingdom of Eswatini celebrates Incwala for a month. This feast in honor of the king includes many ancestral rituals such as lusekwane, kuhlamahlama, and umdvutjulwa #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June #eswatini #incwala

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June 21, 2024(7 events)

National Indigenous Day of Canada

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June 21, 2024

Today is National Indigenous Day in Canada. The First Peoples, the Inuit and the Métis highlight their traditions, cultures, crafts and folklore. It is the first of Canada's days of celebration, with Quebec Day on June 24, Multiculturalism Day on June 27 and Canada Day on July 1. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #Inuit #Métis #Canada #June 21


June 21, 2024

Today, Slavic peoples celebrate Kupala night. This festival celebrates fire, water, the Sun and Moon, the harvest, fertility, joy and love. Its origin is linked to the cult of Kupala. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #kupala #IvanKupala #June 21

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June 21, 2024

On this day, the Celts, Germans and Saxons celebrated Litha, the summer solstice. This period would be favorable for magic such as love, healing, protection. It was replaced by the Christian feast of Saint John which keeps the rites. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #litha #saintjean #June 21

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June 21, 2024

On this day, many Germanic/Norse peoples celebrated Midsummer (Midsumor or Midsommar). As the solstice has been observed since Neolithic times, many peoples have performed rites on this particular day. Little by little dominated by Christianity during the Middle Ages until the early Middle Ages, the customs were incorporated into the feast of Saint John on June 24, then the only one authorized during the solstice. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 21 #midsummer #midsumor #midsommar

We Tripantu

June 21, 2024

Today, the Mapuche Native Americans celebrate We Tripantu. The June solstice is the shortest day in the southern hemisphere. The Mapuche people start the new year on this day. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #Mapuche #WeTripantu #June 21

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June 21, 2024

Today, the Aymara people celebrate Willkakuti. The June solstice being the shortest day in the southern hemisphere, this marks the beginning of the new year of the Aymaras. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 21 #aymara #willkakuti

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00:00 01:00
June 21, 2024

Today, the Yakuts and Dolgans peoples (Turkic peoples of the Sakha Republic in Russia) celebrate the new year, Yhyakh. Winter temperatures sometimes reach −60°C, while summer is very short, lasting only three months. The festival of Yhyakh (which literally means “abundance”) is linked to the worship of a solar deity, with a cult of fertility. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 21 #Yakut #Dolgan #Yhyakh

June 22, 2024
June 23, 2024(4 events)

Fires of Saint John

June 23, 2024

Today, the Spanish and Portuguese make the fires of Saint John. Large bonfires accompany meals, songs and dances during the night before Saint John's Day. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 23 #saintjean #alicante

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June 23, 2024

Today, Latvians celebrate Jāņi shortly after the June solstice. This is an opportunity to wear traditional clothing; create flower crowns, sing and dance. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 23 #Jani

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June 23, 2024

Today, the Bashkir and Tatar people celebrate Sabantuy. It allowed to appease the spirits of fertility in order to obtain good harvests in the coming year. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 23 #sabantuy

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00:00 01:00
June 23, 2024

Today, the Turkic peoples of the Tengri and Altai religion celebrate Saya Khan, the sun god. The blessing of this god brings fertility and abundance. The traditions are close to neighboring peoples, who celebrate Yhyakh on June 21. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 23 #Saya #Tengri #Altai

June 24, 2024(9 events)

Trinity Day

June 24, 2024

Today, Christians celebrate Pentecost. It celebrates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the fiftieth day from Easter on a group of disciples of Jesus of Nazareth, including the Twelve Apostles. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #Pentecost

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Fors Fortuna

June 24, 2024

On this day, the Romans celebrated Fortuna, the goddess of luck. His worship comes from the legendary early kings of Rome. Temple cults are little known today. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 24 #fortuna

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Inti Raymi

June 24, 2024

On this day, the Incas celebrated Inti Raymi in honor of the sun god Inti. It was also the Inca New Year with the return of the lengthening of the days (June solstice). #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 24 #inca #IntiRaymi

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June 24, 2024

Today, Estonians celebrate Jaanipäev (Saint John). The pre-Christian roots endure. Jaanipäev marks a change in the agricultural year, particularly the break between the end of spring sowing and the hard work of summer haymaking. Dancing, singing and jumping over a bonfire are also rites of this region. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #Jaanipaev #estonia #June 24

John the Baptist

June 24, 2024

Today, Christians celebrate Saint John the Baptist. He is the prophet who announced the coming of Jesus of Nazareth. He baptized him on the banks of the Jordan, letting some of his disciples join him. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 24 #jeanlebaptiste #saintjean

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June 24, 2024

Today, Icelanders celebrate Jónsmessa. According to legends, cows gain the power to speak, seals become human, and it is healthy to roll naked in dew-covered grass. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 24 #island #jonsmessa

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Saint Jonah

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June 24, 2024

Today, Lithuanians celebrate Saint Jonah, known by the pre-Christian name Rasos, Joninės, or Kupolė. Traditions include singing songs and dancing until sunset, telling stories, searching for the magic fern flower at midnight, jumping over bonfires, greeting the rising midsummer sun, and bathing. their faces with morning dew, young girls float crowns of flowers on the water of lakes or rivers. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 24 #SaintJonas #Lithuania


June 24, 2024

Today, Romanians celebrate Sânziene. The most beautiful women dress in white and make crowns of small yellow flowers. In the evening, dancing and singing take place around a large bonfire. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 24 #sanziana #Roumania

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Wattah Wattah

00:00 01:00
June 24, 2024

Today, Filipinos celebrate Wattah Wattah or Basaan. Saint John is the patron saint of San Juan and other smaller towns on the islands. Children and adults walk the streets and generously sprinkle water on passers-by or travelers, with the traditional basaan (wetting of water) or buhusan (sprinkling of water) - to remind them of their baptism. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 24 #WattahWattah #Basaan #Pilippines

June 25, 2024(1 event)

Eid al-Ghadir

June 25, 2024

Today, Shia Muslims celebrate Eid al-Ghadir. It commemorates what is known as the Farewell Sermon delivered by Muhammad on 18 Dhu al-Hijja of the year 10 of the Hijri calendar, during his last pilgrimage. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #islam #aidalghadir

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June 26, 2024
June 27, 2024
June 28, 2024(2 events)


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June 28, 2024

Today, the Maltese celebrate Mnarja, Saints Peter and Paul. It dates back to the time of the Knights of Malta in the 16th century. The name derives from the Latin word “Luminare”, meaning to illuminate. And it was precisely the lighting of candles and torches that made people feel their participation in the celebrations. However, over the years, the festival is no longer just a religious commemoration, but has changed its face, being enriched with new elements. Typical traditional dishes, parties, bonfires and fireworks show the best of Maltese folk tradition. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 28 #mnarja #Malta


00:00 01:00
June 28, 2024

Today, Serbs celebrate Vidovdan. This holiday is in honor of Saint Prince Lazar and the holy martyrs who fell in the Battle of Kosovo against the Ottoman Empire on June 15, 1389 (Julian calendar). This battle marks the invasion and submission of the Serbs by the Ottoman Empire. June 28 (Gregorian) is therefore a very important date in Serbian nationalism, and this day will be chosen for other great actions throughout History. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 28 #Serbia #Vidovdan

June 29, 2024(1 event)

Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul

June 29, 2024

Today, Christians celebrate Saints Peter and Paul. For the Orthodox as well as Eastern Christians, this feast also marks the end of the fasting of the apostles. It is considered a day when Christians must attend a night vigil or Vespers, as well as the Divine Liturgy. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #saintpierre #saintpaul #29june

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June 30, 2024(4 events)

Alarde de San Marcial

00:00 01:00
June 30, 2024

Today, the Basques do the Alarde de San Marcial (Parade of Saint Marcial). A parade commemorates the victory of the troops of Irun over the French army on June 30, 1522. They parade through the streets of Irun and head to Mount Saint Marcial where a great patronal festival is celebrated in honor to the Saint. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #SaintMarcial #Irun #Basque #Euskadi #June 30


00:00 01:00
June 30, 2024

Today, some people of Bhutan celebrate Chha. Coming from the Bon religion, the inhabitants make offerings to the local gods for their blessing. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 30 #Chha #Bhutan


June 30, 2024

On this day, the Greeks celebrated Noumenia, the New Moon marking a new month. The Noumenia is the second day of a three-day family festival held every lunar month – the Deipnon of Hekate, then the Noumenia, followed by the Agathos Daimon. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #noumenia

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Athenian New Year

00:00 01:00
June 30, 2024

On this day, the Greeks celebrated the New Year. Athens had no real festival to mark the beginning of the year, although magistrates and councils made sacrifices to Zeus the savior and Athena the savior on the last day of the previous month. They sought the city's protection for the coming year. The new archon took the oath in the New Year and his first act was to proclaim that everything everyone owned would continue to be his. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #June 30 #Athens #Hekatombaion

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