The Lenaia (Ancient Greek: Λήναια) was an annual Athenian and Delphian festival with a drama competition. It was one of the less important festivals of Athens and Ionia in the Greece ancient. The Lenaia took place in Athens in the month of Gamelion, corresponding roughly to January. The festival was in honor of Dionysus Lenaios.


Lenaia, the drama competition

The Lenaia is depicted on many vases, which show both typical Maenad scenes and those of aristocrats and wine-mixing rituals. It is unclear exactly what type of worship took place at the festival, but it may have been in honor of Dionysus in his youth or the rebirth of Dionysus after his assassination by the Titans. It may also have had some connection to the Eleusinian Mysteries, as some of the same religious leaders were involved (such as the Archon basileus and the epimeletai). These officials led the procession (πομπή), which probably ended with a sacrifice.

The party seems agrarian. It was celebrated at a crucial time to promote the awakening of nature. More precisely, the grape and the wine, symbolized by the god himself, his death and his re-emergence from the underworld. However, it was not the time of the harvest, but rather that of the pruning of the vines.

The festival may have had rites for women invoking Iacchus, considered Dionysus as a child, by torchlight and commemorating the myth of the death and rebirth of the god. The ritual associated in this case with the idea of the resurrection of the god associated with wine production and the wine press. However, whether or not this was a festival for women, or whether this festival heavily involved them, remains a matter of debate. In Athens, there was no mention of a women's festival. However, this could be because women are associated with the secret and sacred rites of Dionysus, which would not normally be spoken of or made public.

, the festival was originally held in the Lenaion (possibly a theater outside the city or a section of the Agora) but was probably moved to the Theater of Dionysus in the mid-5th century. From the second half of the 5th century BCE plays were performed (as they were at the City Dionysia festival later that year). Lenaia audiences were generally limited to locals, as travel by sea at this time of year was considered dangerous.

Around 442 BCE the festival held dramatic competitions only for comedy, but in 432 BCE a tragic competition was introduced. Many plays by Aristophanes were performed there for the first time, such as “Knights”. Towards the end of the century, the festival plays were performed at the Theater of Dionysus. It is not known when the Lenaia were abandoned, but contests of some sort continued until the 2nd century BCE.

Social networks

On this day, in Athens and Delphi, the Lenaia took place. Surely linked to the mysteries of Eleusis, the Lenaia included a very famous drama competition of greek. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #15January #lenaia #athens #delphi

