The Lupercalia (Lupercales in English) was a pastoral festival in ancient Rome celebrated annually on February 15 to purify the city, promote health and fertility. Lupercalia was also known as dies Februatus, after the instruments of purification called februa, the basis of the month named Februarius.


Lupercalia, the purification of the city

The rites were limited to the Lupercal Cave, the Palatine Hill and the Forum, all of which were central locations in the myth . Near the cave stood a shrine to Rumina, goddess of breastfeeding; and the wild fig tree (Ficus Ruminalis) to which Romulus and Remus were brought by the divine intervention of the river god Tiberinus; some Roman sources call the wild fig caprificus, literally “goat fig”. Like the cultivated fig, its fruit is pendulous, and the tree exudes a milky sap if cut, making it a good candidate for a breastfeeding cult.

The Februa was of ancient and perhaps Sabine origin. After the addition of February to the Roman calendar, Februa took place on the fifteenth day. Of its various rituals, the most important was that of the Lupercalia. The Romans themselves attributed the instigation of the Lupercalia to Evander, a culture hero from Arcadia who brought the Olympic pantheon, laws, and the alphabet greeks in Italy, where he founded the city of Pallantium on the future site of Rome, 60 years before the war of Troy.

Lupercalia was celebrated in parts of Italy and Gaul ; The Luperci are attested by inscriptions at Velitrae, Praeneste, Nemausus (modern Nîmes) and elsewhere. The ancient cult of the Hirpi Sorani ("wolves of Soranus", from Sabine hirpus "wolf"), who practiced at Mount Soracte, 45 km (28 mi) north of Rome, had elements in common with the Roman Lupercalia.

Lupercalia were banned by the Church in the 4th century.

Social networks

On this day, the Romans celebrated Lupercalia. It was customary to completely cleanse the city of Rome using februa, which gave the name to the month of February. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #February 15 #lupercalia #rome

