The Orthodox Church Greek commemorates Apokries, Meat Sunday, which is the last day of meat consumption until Easter. Judgment Sunday is the third Sunday using the Triodion of Lent, the book liturgical used in Great Lent services. It is the Sunday following Prodigal Son Sunday and the Sunday before Forgiveness Sunday. This is the third week of the beginning of the Easter worship cycle in the Orthodox Church before Lent.


Apokries, Meatfare Sunday or Judgment Sunday

Orthodox Christians observe a week-long meat fast, but continue to eat dairy products and eggs until the start of Great Lent.

Last Judgment Sunday is the third Sunday in a three-week period before the start of Great Lent. During this time, Church services began to include hymns from the Triodion, a liturgical book which contains the Sunday services of the Publican and the Pharisee, the tenth before Easter, until Holy Saturday.

The focus is on the future judgment of all people who will stand before the throne of God when Christ returns in his glory.

This Sunday's commemoration is taken from the parable concerning his second coming and the final judgment of all, living and dead. In Matthew 25:31-46, Christ speaks of what will happen at that very moment when he “comes in his glory, and all the holy angels with him” (v. 31).

The word “Apokriá” means “far from meat” and recalls that the carnival period immediately precedes the entry into Lent, much more important in the Orthodox than Catholic religion.

The first two Sundays, meat is consumed in large quantities (goat the first; pork the second, but the last week and especially the third (and last) Sunday, the eve of Pure Monday, the emphasis is placed on milk: tis Tyrinis, with consumption of cheeses, tiropites (filled with cheese), rizogalo (rice pudding), makaroones (macaroni with lots of melted cheese), galaktoboureko (milk cake bathed in sugar syrup) or tyrozourni from the Central Peloponnese (broth with myzithra cheese).

The second Thursday of Carnival is “Tsikonopempti” (“Smoke Thursday”). The meal on the last Sunday evening is based on eggs, the last “meat” before Lent and the first meal with one of the only “meats” allowed during Lent. Lent.

Social networks

Today, the Orthodox celebrate Last Judgment Sunday. After a week of fasting (no meat), a mass is celebrated to recall the judgment of all believers before the throne of God. This prepares for Pascha (Easter). Many Orthodox countries organize a carnival on this day. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #apokries #meatfaresunday

