In our context, Europe designates the peoples of Roman culture (Rome is treated separately), Celtic, Germanic, Scandinavian, Icelandic and Breton. Slavic peoples have their own section.
ToggleFestivals in Europe
Holidays of the month
March 1, 2025 (2 events)
March 1, 2025
Today, the descendants of the Dacian and Thracian peoples (Romanians, Bulgarians, etc.) celebrate Baba Dochia or Baba Marta. The Martenitsi festival marks the world's impatience for the return of spring. Custom has it that the cantankerous grandmother must be appeased so that spring may triumph. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 1 #muramia #bulgaria #babadochia #babamarta
March 1, 2025
Today, the Swiss celebrate Chalandamarz. Of Roman origin, this festival helps chase away winter and evil spirits to begin spring under favorable auspices. Children, in traditional outfits, sing and ring bells in the streets. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #1March #Switzerland #Chalandamarz
March 12, 2025 (1 event)
March 12, 2025
Today, Faroese people celebrate Grækarismessa (the Greek mass), in honor of Pope Græcaris the Great, who died on March 12, 604. This day is often the first day of the Oystercatchers' migration to the island, marking the beginning of spring. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 12 #Grækarismessa #Oystercatchers #IlesFeroe
March 19, 2025 (2 events)
March 19, 2025
Today, the inhabitants of Valencia (Spain) celebrate Fallas, the day of Saint Joseph, patron saint of carpenters. The night of March 15 is the Plantà for which gigantic statues are erected in composite materials, supported by wooden structures which serve as support. n jury comes to see all the fallacies of Valencia the next day and awards the prizes. They will all be burned on March 19 where they were planted. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 15 #March 19 #fallas #valence 1TP5Spain
March 19, 2025
Today, the Kashubians (in eastern Pomerania) celebrate their unity. Their culture is highlighted in particular by a Baśka card game tournament. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 19 #Kashoube #Pomeranian #Poland #Germany
March 21, 2025 (1 event)
March 21, 2025
On this day, the Germanic peoples (including Anglo-Saxons) worshiped the goddess Eostre (Ostara in old German). Easter in English is derived from the name of the goddess. It is assumed that the rabbit and egg customs come from ancient rites. #mythology #myth #legend #easter #eostre #ostara #calendar #March 21
March 28, 2025 (1 event)
March 28, 2025
Today, the Asatrus commemorate Ragnar Lodbrok. This Viking hero, at the heart of the legends of Scandinavia, the British Islands and even the Holy German Empire, was king of Sweden and Denmark. His saga is the source of Scandinavian nationalism although the stories blended the lives of various characters into a single hero. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #RagnarLodbrok #28March #Scandinavia
Cultural areas in Europe
The history of Europe is one of the best documented, studied and known parts of world history and refers to all the events linked to the European continent, from the time it was populated by the first peoples until until today. According to the German monograph Minderheitenrechte in Europa co-edited by Pan and Pfeil (2002), there are 87 distinct peoples, of which 33 constitute the majority of the population in at least one sovereign state, while the remaining 54 constitute minority ethnic groups.
In ancient times, Indo-European peoples practiced cults that had many things in common. The Germanic, Celtic, Slavic, Greek and Latin mythological systems had common features, such as the belief in a fundamental divine "triad", and the division of men into several categories of distinct social rank.
In Europe, ancient religions are subdivided into:
- faith in the Aesir and the Vanirs, which we today call Odinism, according to Germanic mythology;
- faith in Scandinavian deities, according to Scandinavian mythology;
- Druidism and its late Irish variant, the religion of the Filid, according to Celtic mythology;
- orphism, according to Thracian and Dacian mythology;
- faith in Scythian deities, according to the Scythian religion;
- faith in Slavic deities, according to Slavic mythology;
- faith in Greek deities, according to Greek mythology;
- faith in Roman deities, according to Roman mythology;
- in the Roman Empire, in addition to the gods of Olympus, mystery cults were also practiced and, in late antiquity, primitive Christianity.
One of the common points between religions prior to Christianity is polytheism, sometimes pantheistic, sometimes animist.
Proselytism was not widespread among European peoples, each religion being that of a group of populations equally linked by language, and which had its own deities.