Chronos, Kairos and Aion are the three deities of time, events and epic destinies. Here is the multi-religious and multicultural calendar!
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The schedule in brief from D-2 to D+5
- March 12, 2025, : Grækarismessa
- March 12, 2025, : Aztec New Year
- March 13, 2025, : Kasuga Matsuri
- March 14, 2025, : Equirria
- March 15, 2025, : Honensai
- March 15, 2025, : Ides of March
- March 16, 2025, : Argei
- March 16, 2025, : Bacchanalia
- March 17, 2025, : Agonalia
- March 17, 2025, : Saint Patrick
- March 18, 2025, : Madunnuccia
- March 19, 2025: Fallas
- March 19, 2025: Kashubian Day
- March 19, 2025, : Quinquatria
- March 19, 2025, : Saint Joseph
The complete interactive calendar
Holidays of the month
Mymonday | Killtuesday | Wednesdaywednesday | ThuThursday | Frifriday | Satsaturday | Sunsunday |
24February 24, 2025●(1 event) RegifugiumFebruary 24, 2025 On this day, the Romans celebrated Regifugium, the flight of the fifth and last king of Rome, Tarquinius. Since then, Rome has become a Republic. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #February 24 #rome #regifugium #tarquinius |
25February 25, 2025●(1 event) Kitano baikasaiFebruary 25, 2025 Today, the Japanese of Kyoto celebrate Kitano baikasai, the plum blossom festival. A thousand-year-old celebration, it is the occasion of a giant tea ceremony and marks the death of Sugawara no Michizane, a famous scholar and poet who was exiled by the Fujiwara clan. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #February 25 #Japan #Kyoto #Kitano #Baikasai #Michizane |
26February 26, 2025
27February 27, 2025●(1 event) EquirriaFebruary 27, 2025 On this day, the Romans celebrated Equirria in honor of the primordial god Mars. Horse or chariot races were organized to appease the god. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #rome #March #February 27 #March 14 |
28February 28, 2025●(1 event) Kalevala DayFebruary 28, 2025 Today is Finnish Culture Day, represented by the national epic Kalevala. This collection of epic poetry brings together many tales and myths from Finland and Karelia. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #February 28 #kalevala #finland #karelia |
1March 1, 2025●●(5 events) Baba DochiaMarch 1, 2025 Today, the descendants of the Dacian and Thracian peoples (Romanians, Bulgarians, etc.) celebrate Baba Dochia or Baba Marta. The Martenitsi festival marks the world's impatience for the return of spring. Custom has it that the cantankerous grandmother must be appeased so that spring may triumph. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 1 #muramia #bulgaria #babadochia #babamarta ChalandamarzMarch 1, 2025 Today, the Swiss celebrate Chalandamarz. Of Roman origin, this festival helps chase away winter and evil spirits to begin spring under favorable auspices. Children, in traditional outfits, sing and ring bells in the streets. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #1March #Switzerland #Chalandamarz Feriae MartiMarch 1, 2025 On this day, the Romans celebrated Feriae Marti. The month of Mars (in honor of the god) was dedicated to the army and the beginning of military campaigns. Numerous animal sacrifices and the process of the Saliens made it possible to bless the army. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #1March #March #Rome #FeriaeMarti MatronaliaMarch 1, 2025 On this day, the Romans celebrated Matronalia. This Mother's Day also covered the birth of Rome and Spring. On this day of March, the god participated in a work of peace to recall the reconciliation between the Sabines and the Romans. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #1March #rome #matronalia Saint DavidMarch 1, 2025 Today, Christians celebrate Saint David (Dewi). Patron of Wales, it is a national holiday. He is often depicted with a dove and a leek, in reference to his miracles and the symbol of Wales. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #1March #saintdavid #DewiSant |
2March 2, 2025
3March 3, 2025●(1 event) HinamatsuriMarch 3, 2025 Today, the Japanese celebrate Hinamatsuri, Doll Festival. This day is dedicated to young girls. Little girls display precious dolls. These dolls are sometimes passed down from generation to generation. They represent characters from the imperial court of the Heian era. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #3March #Japan #hinamatsuri |
4March 4, 2025●(1 event) Saint CasimirMarch 4, 2025 Today, Lithuanians celebrate Saint Casimir or Kaziuko mugė. This Kaziukas Day is marked with traditional music, dances and art in honor of Grand Duke Casimir, patron saint of Lithuania. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #4March #saintcasimir #lithuania |
5March 5, 2025●(1 event) Saint PiranMarch 5, 2025 Today, the English celebrate the patron saint of Cornwall, Saint Piran. Guardians of the tin miners, parades and traditional bagpipe music commemorate this saint. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #5March #Cornwall #saintpiran |
6March 6, 2025●(1 event) Tlacaxipehualiztli – Today, the Aztecs begin the month of Tlacaxipehualiztli in honor of the god Xipe Totec. The flayed lord marks the renewal of nature, agriculture, and fertile night rains. He flays himself to feed humanity with corn. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #6March #Aztec #XipeTotec #Tlacaxipehualiztli |
7March 7, 2025
8March 8, 2025●(1 event) John of GodMarch 8, 2025 Today, Catholics commemorate John of God. After many jobs and having served in numerous wars, he opened a bookstore in 1538 in Granada where he had his first revelations. This patron saint of the sick founded the order of Hospitallers and devoted his religious life to mortification. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #8March #JohnOfGod #Christianity |
9March 9, 2025●(1 event) Forty Martyrs of SebasteMarch 9, 2025 Today, Christians commemorate the forty martyrs of Sebaste. In 313 the Edict of Milan was established, introducing freedom of religion into the Roman Empire, but Licinius, who ruled in the eastern part of the Empire, stopped respecting it a few years later. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #9March #40Martyrs #Christianity |
10March 10, 2025
11March 11, 2025
12March 12, 2025●●(2 events) GrækarismessaMarch 12, 2025 Today, Faroese people celebrate Grækarismessa (the Greek mass), in honor of Pope Græcaris the Great, who died on March 12, 604. This day is often the first day of the Oystercatchers' migration to the island, marking the beginning of spring. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 12 #Grækarismessa #Oystercatchers #IlesFeroe Aztec New YearMarch 12, 2025 On this day the Aztec New Year took place. This day is still celebrated by some Nahua communities. Okote candles are lit, songs and dances are performed the day before. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 12 #nahua #azteque |
13March 13, 2025●(1 event) Kasuga MatsuriMarch 13, 2025 Today, the Japanese of Nara celebrate Kasuga Matsuri at the Kasuga-taisha temple. The festival presents the dances of gagaku and bugaku, Yamato-mai which date back to the Heian and Nara periods. This festival also organizes a horse festival which consists of a parade through the streets by a sacred horse. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 13 #Kasuga%atsuri #KasugaTaisha #Nara #Japan |
14March 14, 2025●(1 event) EquirriaMarch 14, 2025 On this day, the Romans celebrated Equirria in honor of the primordial god Mars. Horse or chariot races were organized to appease the god. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #rome #March #February 27 #March 14 |
15March 15, 2025●●(2 events) HonensaiMarch 15, 2025 Today, the Japanese of Komaki celebrate Hōnen Matsuri. This festival, more than 1500 years old, celebrates fertility, the Earth's ability to regenerate itself, and good harvests. This holiday is often called the “penis festival”. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 15 #Japan #penis #HonenMatsuri Ides of MarchMarch 15, 2025 On this day, the Romans celebrated the Ides of March. This day is special because it is the deadline for debt repayment, and especially the day of the assassination of Julius Caesar which marked a turning point in the Roman Empire. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 15 #Julius Caesar #March |
16March 16, 2025●●(2 events) ArgeiMarch 16, 2025 On this day, the Romans celebrated the Argei (or Argaea). This cult dates back to the beginning of Rome with two ceremonies two months apart. The first ceremony consisted of a procession during which mannequins, called Argaea, were placed in sanctuaries. The second consisted of a procession during which the mannequins were removed from the sanctuaries and then thrown into the Tiber from the top of the sacred bridge, the Ponte Sublicius. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #16march #15may #rome #argei #tiber BacchanaliaMarch 16, 2025 On this day, the Romans celebrated Bacchanalia in honor of Bacchus/Dionysus. The priestesses who organized these ceremonies were called Bacchantes and this name was later associated with Roman orgies. The primitive celebrations were exclusively feminine and originated from the original cult of the god Pan. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #Rome #Bacchanalia #16March |
17March 17, 2025●●(2 events) AgonaliaMarch 17, 2025 On this day, the Romans celebrate an Agonium. Rites of early Rome, there are few sources describing the customs. Four Agonalia take place during a year. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #9January #21May #17March #11December #agonalia #rome Saint PatrickMarch 17, 2025 Today, the Irish celebrate Saint Patrick's Day. Patron saint of Ireland, he helped bring and spread Christianity in this country, whose symbol is the flight of serpents from the island and the shamrock symbol of the Trinity. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 17 #ireland #saintpatrick |
18March 18, 2025●(1 event) MadunnucciaMarch 18, 2025 Today, the Corsicans celebrate Madunnuccia. While the plague was raging in 1656, the Magnificent Elders of Ajaccio dedicated themselves to Our Lady of Mercy. The city was spared from the plague. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 18 #ajaccio #madunnuccia |
19March 19, 2025●●(4 events) FallasMarch 19, 2025 Today, the inhabitants of Valencia (Spain) celebrate Fallas, the day of Saint Joseph, patron saint of carpenters. The night of March 15 is the Plantà for which gigantic statues are erected in composite materials, supported by wooden structures which serve as support. n jury comes to see all the fallacies of Valencia the next day and awards the prizes. They will all be burned on March 19 where they were planted. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 15 #March 19 #fallas #valence 1TP5Spain Day of the KashubiansMarch 19, 2025 Today, the Kashubians (in eastern Pomerania) celebrate their unity. Their culture is highlighted in particular by a Baśka card game tournament. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 19 #Kashoube #Pomeranian #Poland #Germany QuinquatriaMarch 19, 2025 On this day, the Romans celebrated the Quinquatries in honor of Minerva. On the first day, the scholars gave thanks to the goddess. Then the warriors gave thanks for three days. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 19 #rome #quinquatries Saint JosephMarch 19, 2025 Today, Catholics celebrate Saint Joseph, husband of the Virgin Mary and adoptive father of Jesus Christ. In many Catholic countries, this day is similar to Father's Day. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 19 #saintjoseph |
20March 20, 2025●(1 event) Shunbun no HiMarch 20, 2025 Today, the Japanese celebrate Shunbun no Hi (spring equinox). The festival was originally an opportunity to visit the graves of loved ones and pay respects to ancestors. The Japanese also took the time to renew their lives by cleaning their homes and changing their daily lives. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #Japan #SjunbunnoHi #HiganNoNakaba |
21March 21, 2025●●(2 events) ĒostreMarch 21, 2025 On this day, the Germanic peoples (including Anglo-Saxons) worshiped the goddess Eostre (Ostara in old German). Easter in English is derived from the name of the goddess. It is assumed that the rabbit and egg customs come from ancient rites. #mythology #myth #legend #easter #eostre #ostara #calendar #March 21 Pacha PucuyMarch 21, 2025 On this day, the Incas began the month of Pacha-puchuy, the maturation of the earth. Black flames were sacrificed to the gods as a sign of veneration; and on certain days men had to refrain from eating salt and fruit, from touching their wives and from singing taquis. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #21March #Inca #PachaPuchuy |
22March 22, 2025●(1 event) NevruzMarch 22, 2025 Today, the Bektashi people of Albania celebrate Nevruz. This festival commemorates the birth of Ali Ibn Abi Talib in the 5th century CE. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 22 #nevruz #AliIbnAbiTalib |
23March 23, 2025●(1 event) TubilustiumMarch 23, 2025 On this day, the Romans celebrate the Tubilustium. The month of March marked the beginning of the war season. The lustration ceremony accompanied by the sacred trumpets and the Saliens prepared the men and the city for future military campaigns. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 23 #May 23 #rome #tubilustrium |
24March 24, 2025●(1 event) SanguinariaMarch 24, 2025 On this day, the Romans celebrated Sanguinaria. After two days of mourning for the annual death of the god Attis, Blood Day arrived. On that day, the galli, priests of the goddess Cybele, performed a ritual of self-flagellation by whipping themselves until they bled. Some are also said to have castrated themselves. The Day of Blood was followed by a Day of Joy and Relaxation to celebrate the resurrection of Attis (the third day). #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #Sanguinaria #attis #rome |
25March 25, 2025●●(3 events) Old Christian New YearMarch 25, 2025 On this day, Christians celebrated the New Year. This day is special in the old and new testaments: fall of Adam, murder of Abel, sacrifice of Melchizedek, sacrifice of Isaac, Annunciation, beheading of John the Baptist and death of the apostles Peter and James. The date of the Christian New Year was changed to 1581. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 25 #Christianity AnnunciationMarch 25, 2025 Today, Catholics celebrate the Annunciation of divine motherhood made to the Virgin Mary by the Archangel Gabriel. This last Annunciation comes after Sarah, wife of Abraham; Manoah's wife; and Mary's cousin, Elizabeth. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 25 #Annunciation HilariaMarch 25, 2025 On this day, the Romans celebrated Hilaria in honor of Cybele (continuation of Sanguinaria). These days were devoted to general rejoicing and public sacrifice, and no one was allowed to show the slightest symptom of grief or sorrow. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #25March #hilaria #cybele #rome |
26March 26, 2025●(1 event) Tozoztontli – On this day, the Aztecs began the month of Tozoztontli in honor of Centeotl, Tlaloque, Chicomecoatl, and Coatlicue. This marks the end of the dry season. It is the season of bird sacrifices and is called The Little Vigil. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #March 26 #Tozoztontli #Aztec |
27March 27, 2025
28March 28, 2025●●(2 events) Ragnar LodbrokMarch 28, 2025 Today, the Asatrus commemorate Ragnar Lodbrok. This Viking hero, at the heart of the legends of Scandinavia, the British Islands and even the Holy German Empire, was king of Sweden and Denmark. His saga is the source of Scandinavian nationalism although the stories blended the lives of various characters into a single hero. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #RagnarLodbrok #28March #Scandinavia Sen no RikyūMarch 28, 2025 Today, the Japanese pay homage to the tea master of the Wabi school, Sen no Rikyū. He became a monk at Daitoku-ji temple and a specialist in chanoyu, the Japanese tea ceremony. He enters the service of Oda Nobunaga before being forced to commit suicide by seppuku. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #japan #tea #March 28 |
29March 29, 2025
30March 30, 2025
31March 31, 2025
1April 1, 2025●●(3 events) Miyako OdoriApril 1, 2025 Today, in Kyoto, Japan, Miyako Odori takes place for a month. The dances, songs and theatrical productions presented as part of the Miyako Odori are performed by the maiko (apprentice geisha) and geisha of the Gion district. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #April #gion #kyoto #japan #MiyakoOdori April FoolApril 1, 2025 Today is April Fool's Day. Originally, it was a courier bringing love letters from his master. In the 17th century, April Fool's Day became an act intended to force someone to do unnecessary acts to make fun of them. Customs vary greatly and origins are highly contested. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #April 1 #Aprilfish VeneraliaApril 1, 2025 On this day, the Romans celebrated Veneralia in honor of Venus Verticordia (who changes hearts) and Fortuna Virilis. Especially performed by women, the rites bring good fortune in matters of the heart, sex and marriage. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #April 1 #tome #veneralia |
2April 2, 2025
3April 3, 2025
4April 4, 2025●●(2 events) Isidore of SevilleApril 4, 2025 celebrate Saint Isidore of Seville. This last master of the ancient world is known for converting the Visigothic kingdom and for his numerous writings on theology, history, cosmology and grammar. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #4April #isidore #seville MegalesiaApril 4, 2025 On this day and for a week, the Romans celebrated the Megalesia in honor of a Phrygian goddess Cybele. Meals and extravagance were customary as well as stage games on the Palatine Hill. #mythology #myth #legend #calendar #4April #rome #megalesia |
5April 5, 2025
6April 6, 2025
Multicultural and multi-religious almanac
An almanac is a calendar showing the main dates of the calendar, the religious holidays, bearing ephemerides such as the phases of the moon or the duration of the days (lunar and solar calendars).
A calendar is a system for marking dates according to time. Such a system was invented by men to divide and organize time over long periods. The observation of the periodic phenomena of the environment in which they lived — such as the daily movement of the shadow, the return of the seasons or the lunar cycle — served as the first references for organizing the agricultural, social and religious life of societies.
The calendar used today in most of the world is the Gregorian calendar. In everyday language, an ephemeris designates what happens daily; the ephemeris of the day is the list of the significant events of this day.